Thursday, October 10, 2013

Put an Apple on Our Tree!!

We're coming up to the home stretch of On Borrowed Time, and, to put it bluntly, we're bummed. This is a special show, with a great cast, and we'll miss them all immensely.

Ugh, now I'm making myself sad thinking about it. So instead, I'll talk about something else I'll miss - our beautiful lobby tree.

You may have noticed that we have a bit of a tree theme going with this show, for obvious reasons (not obvious to you? You still have five chances to see the show and find out what I mean!). If you visit our lobby, you'll see this beautiful tree:

This tree is a little bit different from the others. This tree is designed to celebrate the theater's 20th anniversary season; for a $20 donation to the theater, you can get a red apple, and onto it you can write whatever you'd like to celebrate - a loved one, a special occasion, your favorite production at the theater, the Breaking Bad finale, whatever you'd like. Then hang it on the tree for all the world to see!

This is the final weekend you'll be able to see this tree. I'm not making any promises as to where it'll go after the show closes, but here's a hint: my living room.

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